Saturday, March 12, 2011
owl taxonomy and conservation
Splits beyond Konig:
New Guinea masked-owl Tyto calabayi from Australian masked-owl
Madeira barn owl Tyto schmitzi from common barn owl
Slender-billed barn owl Tyto gracilirostris from common barn owl
Tyto javica from common barn owl
Colombian barn owl Tyto contempta from American barn owl
Bonaire barn owl from American barn owl
Tyto cayeui from lesser masked owl
"Somaliland scops" from African scops
Annobon Is Scops Otus faea from African scops
Principe scops
Cyprus scops Otus cyprius from Common scops
Rinjani scops Otus julandae
Chinese scops Otus erythrocampe from collared scops
Lanyu scops Otus botelensis from elegant scops
Calayan scops owl Otus calayensis from elegant scops
Banggai scops Otus mendeni from Sulawesi scops
Togian scops
Thai race Otus modestus from Oriental scops-owl Otus sunia
Sri Lanka scops Otus leggi from Oriental scops-owl
Andaman/Nicobar from Oriental scops-owl
Formosean Scops Otus hambroecki from mountain scops-owl
Vandewater's scops Otus vandewateri from Mountain scops-owl
Bornean scops Otus lucia from mountain scops-owl
Megascops duidae from Tropical screech owl
Santa Marta screech owl
Megascops vinaceus from Western screech owl
Megascops suttoni from Western screech owl
Megascops mccalli from Eastern screech owl
Apurimac Screech owl from Koepcke's screech owl
Byzantine Eagle owl Bubo interpositus from Eurasian eagle-owl
Mackinder's eagle owl Bubo mackinderi split from Cape eagle-owl
Turkish fish owl Bubo semenowi from brown fish owl
Bengal fish owl Bubo leschenaulti from brown fish owl
Magreb tawny owl Strix mauritanira from tawny owl
Omani owl Strix omanonsis
Mexican spotted owl Strix lucida from spotted owl
California spotted owl Strix caurina from spotted owl
Mexican barred owl Strix sartorri from barred owl
Strix borelitana (Atlantic forest) from Mottled owl
Lapland owl from great-gray owl
Western crested owl Lophostrix stricklandi from crested owl
American hawk owl Surnia caparochrom Northern hawk owl
Glaucidium ucayalae (East Amazonia) from ferruginous pygmy owl
Apurimac pygmy owl from Peruvian pygmy owl
Taenloglaux maliba (Western Ghats) from Jungle owlet
Schefferi's owlet (NE Africa) from African barred owlet
Cucumieu Athene noctua from little owl
Northern little owl Athene plumipes from little owl
Hutton's little owl Athene batriana from little owl
Assam race Athene ultra from Spotted owlet
Florida burrowing owl Athene floridena from burrowing owl
Richardson's owl Aegolis richardsoni from Tengmalm's owl
Aegolius heringi (Brazil) from buff fronted owl
Roti boobook Ninox rotiensis from southern boobook
Alor boobook Ninox plesseni from southern boobook
Timor boobook Ninox fusca from southern boobook
Ryukyu hawk owl from brown hawk owl
Humes's hawk owl Ninox obscura from brown hawk owl
Tawi Tawi boobook Ninox reyi from Philippine boobook
Cebu boobook from Philippine boobook
Mindinao boobook Ninox spilocephala from Philippine boobook
Camiguin boobook from Philippine boobook
Tablas boobook from Philippine boobook
West Solomon boobook Ninox jacquinoti from Solomon boobook
Guadalcanal boobook Ninox granti from Solomon boobook
Malaita boobook Ninox malaitae from Solomon boobook
Makira boobook Ninox roseoaxillaris from Solomon boobook
Bacan hawk owl from Moluccan hawk owl
Gede hawk owl from Moluccan hawk owl
Halmahara hawk owl from Moluccan hawk owl
Tanimbar hawk owl from Moluccan hawk owl
Hantu hawk owl from Moluccan hawk owl
Wilson's owl Asio wilsonianus from long-eared owl
Pohnpei owl Asio ponapensis from short-eared owl
Antillean owl Asio domingensis from short-eared owl
Hawaiian owl Asio sandwichensis from short-eared owl
Field owl Asio suida from short-eared owl
Owl Conservation
1994 edition of Birds to Watch
Rare owls that I have not seen
Seychelles scops
Anjouan scops
Grand Coromo scops
Forest owlet
Madagascar red owl
Blakiston's eagle-owl
Rufous fishing-owl
Taliabu masked-owl
Manus masked-owl
Bismark masked-owl
Congo bay-owl
white-fronted scops-owl
sokoke scops-owl
Javan scops-owl
Mindoro scops-owl
Usambara eagle-owl
Sichuan wood-owl
Albertine owlet
powerful owl
fearful owl
Near Threatened
lesser sooty owl
Andaman scops-owl
Sao Tome scops-owl
Pemba scops-owl
tawny fish-owl
chestnut-backed owlet
Andaman hawk-owl