A catalog of owling sightings from my home state Oregon prior to 2011, when I took up owling in earnest. Much more on Oregon's owls can be read at the 2011 owling, 2012 owling, 2013 owling and 2014 owling....
Barn owl. Grand Ronde valley, summer. East of Dufor Gap road, roosting in an abandoned house. Just west of the Tillamook river, hunting at dusk in the winter of 2004. Seen twice at the abandoned quarry near Malheur HQ.
Snowy owl. South jetty of the Columbia river in winter.
Great horned owl. Grand Ronde valley, summer. The road to the south jetty of the Columbia with Tui. Zumwalt Prairie (roosting in a tree next to a farm) and (singing from a tall conifer after dusk) Wallawa Mtns with John (grouse trip), Blue Mtn with John (Boreal Owl trip). Deschutes state park, with Tui, mating. Dufur Gap road and camp ground. Malhuer HQ. Hart Mtn with Tomas.
Western screech owl. Rentenar road, winter roosting bird with Thomas. Sue and Tim's old property on Lost Lake road. Family on a telephone wire, River Rd, Clackamas County July 2001.
Flammulated owl, heard only in the Blue Mtns near John Day River, Upland Sandpiper site (with David, summer 2006), south of Lone Rock and near the Metolious River.
Short-eared owl. Above Malheur Lake and at Benson pond. Two miles south of Pendleton with David in the summer of 2006.
Long-eared owl. Locust Grove with David, December 2003. Near broken top labor day 2008, came in the Boreal Owl tape. Hart Mtn May 2007, one young in nest in a pine.
Burrowing owl. Hart mtn May 2007. Corvalis area one bird in arable field winter 2006.
Northern saw whet owl. Roosting bird seen with David at De Moss County Park, December 2003.
Northern Hawk owl. Bird twitched in Bend with David, February 2007.
Spotted owl. John, Stites and I were shown a nesting bird by Tom Snetsinger, about 30 miles east of Lincoln city in 2003.
Great grey owl. 20 miles west of La Grande with David, summer 2006. Possible bird at 5000' on the Hood-Clackamas border at Mount Hood.
Barred owl. First bird taped in at Mollalla County Park, June 2001. Deschutes State Park with David, December 2003.
Owls by County (Oregon)
Baker: barn, flammulated, screech, great horned, burrowing, northern pygmy, saw whet and long-eared
Benton: Barn, Great-horned, western screech, Spotted, Barred, pygmy, Saw-Whet and short-eared
Clatsop: barn, screech, snowy, great-horned, barred, pygmy, saw whet and short-eared
Clackamas: barn, western screech, great-horned, great-gray, barred owl, spotted owl, long-eared, short-eared, pygmy and northern saw-whet
Columbia: barn, western screech, great-horned owl, barred, pygmy, saw-whet and short-eared
Coos: Barn, screech, Great-horned, barred, Pygmy, saw-whet, burrowing and short-eared
Crook: Barn, Flammulated, screech, Great-horned, Great-gray, Barred, Pygmy, burrowing, saw-whet, long-eared and short-eared
Curry:Barn, Great-horned, screech, barred, long-eared, pygmy and saw-whet.
Deschutes: Barn, great-horned owl, flammulated, screech, great-gray, barred, long-eared owl, short-eared, hawk, pygmy, saw whet and boreal
Douglas: Barn, Great-horned, Flammulated, screech, Spotted, Barred, saw-whet and pygmy
Gilliam: Barn, flammulated, screech, Great-horned, pygmy, saw-whet, long-eared and Short-eared owl.
Grant: Barn, flammulated owl, screech, great-horned, Great-gray, pygmy and saw-whet
Harney: Barn, flammulated, western screech, great-horned, pygmy, burrowing, short-eared, long-eared, northern saw-whet
Hood River: barn owl, great-horned, western screech, barred, spotted, great-gray, northern pygmy, saw-whet, long-eared
Jackson: Barn, great-horned, Flammulated, Screech, Great gray, spotted, Barred, burrowing, pygmy, saw-whet & long-eared
Jefferson: Barn, great-horned, flammulated, screech, barred, saw-whet, pygmy and long-eared
Josephine: Barn, great-horned, flammulated, Western screech, barred, pygmy, saw-whet and long-eared
Klamath: barn, flammulated, western screech, great-horned, great-gray, barred, saw-whet, northern pygmy, short-eared and long-eared
Lake: Barn, Flammulated, Screech, great-horned, pygmy, burrowing, saw-whet, long-eared, short-eared
Linn: Barn, screech, great-horned, spotted, barred, saw-whet, pygmy, burrowing owl, short-eared owl
Lane: barn, great horned, snowy, screech, barred, spotted owl, pygmy, saw-whet, short-eared, long-eared
Lincoln: barn, screech, great-horned, spotted, barred, pygmy and burrowing owl, saw-whet
Malhuer: Barn, flammulated, screech, great-horned, burrowing, saw-whet, pygmy and long-eared
Marion: barn, screech, great-horned, barred, great-gray, saw-whet, northern pygmy, long-eared and short-eared
Morrow: barn owl, flammulated, screech, great-horned, great-gray, pygmy, burrowing owl, saw-whet short-eared and long-eared
Multnomah: Barn, screech, great-horned, snowy, pygmy, spotted, barred, great-gray, burrowing, long-eared, short-eared, saw-whet
Polk: Barn, screech, Great-horned, spotted, barred, saw-whet, burrowing, pygmy and short-eared
Sherman: barn, screech, great-horned, barred, long-eared, saw whet
Tillamook: barn, screech, great-horned, spotted, barred, pygmy, saw-whet and short-eared
Umatilla: barn, flammulated, screech, great-horned, great-gray, saw-whet, burrowing, pygmy and short-eared
Union: barn, flammulated, screech, great-horned, great-gray, barred, northern pygmy, saw whet and short-eared
Wallowa: barn, flammulated, great-horned, screech, northern pygmy, saw-whet and short-eared
Wasco: barn, great horned, screech, flammulated, spotted, barred, northern pygmy, saw whet and long-eared and short-eared
Washington: barn, great-horned, screech, barred, long-eared, short-eared, northern pygmy and saw-whet
Wheeler: Barn, flammulated, screech, great-horned, pygmy, saw-whet and long-eared
Yamhill: Barn, Great-horned, Screech, barred, Saw-whet, pygmy and short-eared
70 6.16.2013
71 7.8.2013
75 9.1.13
79 3.8.14
80 3.25.14
81 4.5.14
82 4.7.14
84 6.14.14
87 7.9.14
88 7.10.14
89 8.3.14
90 8.16.14
93 8.23.14
96 10.4.14
100 10.13.14
101 10.18.14
101 12.6.14
102 12.13.14
103 12.27.14
104 1.3.15
107 1.24.15
109 1.31.15
110 3.21.15
112 3.22.15
115 3.29.15
116 4.26.15
120 5.2.15
121 5.25.15
122 6.6.15
123 6.14.15
124 7.18.15
128 8.2.15
131 8.8.15
134 8.16.15
136 8.22.15
137 10.24.2015
138 11.1.15
145 11.7.15
146 11.7.15 (correction)
147 11/11/15 (correction)
149 11.15.15
150 11.22.15
151 11/29/15
153 1/4/16
154 1/16/16
155 1/25/16
156 1/30/16
157 2/8/16
160 2/16/16
161 2/21/16
164 2/29/16
168 4/10/16
169 4/24/16
170 5/7/16
173 5/22/16
174 5/30/16
175 6/12/16
177 8/9/16
178 8/29/16
180 9/5/16
181 12/18/16
182 4/2/17
183 4/23/17
185 5/7/17
187 6/27/17
188 7/11/17
189 7/24/17
190 10/30/17
194 12/17/17
197 1/13/18
202 3/5/18
203 3/31/2018
208 6/10/2018
212 6/25/18
213 7/2/18
214 12/8/18
218 1/12/19
219 3/16/19
223 4/28/19
226 5/4/19
232 5/26/19
238 9/2/19
239 11/9/19
242 1/5/20
243 3/9/20
245 3/14/20
248 4/11/20
253 4/25/20
257 5/17/20
261 5/25/20
262 12/20/20
263 1/8/21
264 2/6/21
265 2/13/21
266 4/25/21
268 5/9/21
272 5/17/21
273 5/29/21
278 6/5/21
282 7/3/21
283 8/21/21
284 9/18/21
285 10/30/21
286 12/18/21
287 1/16/22
288 4/9/22
289 4/29/22
290 5/14/22
292 5/21/22
293 5/27/22
295 6/17/22
297 9/17/22
11/25/22 Correction 300
4/16/23 301
8/25/23 302
10/7/23 303
10/15/23 304
11/5/23 306 (update and correction)
3/28/24 308
6/1/24 310
6/30/24 311
10/12/24 312
2/15/25 313